Sunday, December 29, 2019

Defensive Medicine And Its Impact On Health Care - 1657 Words

In modern practices, doctors are turning more and more towards defensive medicine. Defensive medicine is defined as the act of referring patients to other doctors or running more tests than medically necessary in order to avoid malpractice lawsuits. Defensive medicine leads to increases in patient health care costs, a decrease in patient wellbeing, an inefficient use of doctors and patients time, and may impact physicians’ well-being. This practice may also not be the best solution to protect both the physicians’ reputation and the patients’ health. Defensive Medicine is believed to attribute to the overall increase in America’s health care costs. For instance, in May 2011 two surveys conducted by Jackson Healthcare and Gallup polling indicated that defensive medicine costs the U.S. $650 billion to $850 billion annually. Another poll taken in December 2010 cited the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons estimating that by reducing defensive medicine, the yearly savings could jump from $54 billion to $650 billion. Medicare and Medicaid are cited at paying up to $221 billion annually for unnecessary tests and procedures such as CT scans after uncomplicated fainting episodes, antibiotics for routine sinusitis, and osteoporosis screenings for women younger than 65 years. One enormous example of how defensive medicine impacts many lives is the rate at which Cesarean section births are performed, especially in order to prevent shoulder dystocia, (the malpractice settlementsShow MoreRelatedDefensive Medicine1354 Words   |  6 PagesDefensive Medicine Is It Costing Our Heath Care? Teresa Botts Baptist College of Health Sciences 1. Abstract Our Nation is currently engaged in a debate about the future of health care in America. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on Analysis of Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Analysis of Lord of the Flies by William Golding William Golding’s Lord of the Flies is a sordid tale about a group of kids who are stranded on a deserted island after their plane crashes. The story is set during the Atomic War and plenty of references are made to the fact. However, the real key to the story lies in the role of Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies. Beelzebub has a central role in the story as he represents the Beast, or evil, that dwells within all humans. The Beast cannot be hunted and since it dwells within all humans, humans are all guilty because mankind is sick. The destruction of mankind is a point that Golding makes apparent often in this novel. He establishes early on that Beelzebub is a force within all humans that†¦show more content†¦One by one the boys lose sanity. Beelzebub is slowly entering the boys, and through the use of Jack as a minister of evil, delivering the boys to insanity and corruption. (Gindin, 160) Golding however does offer mankind hope through the character of Simon. Simon is t he one character in the story that knew how to deal with Beelzebub. The day before Simon dies he learns that Beelzebub dwells within and cannot be hunted by humans. Simon finds that the evil Beelzebub represents is inside people and ineradicable. Simon is the only character in the novel to come to terms with the darkness and impending doom of the group’s situation. Simon looks darkness in the face and, with great courage, comes to terms with the ignoble nature of mankind. Beelzebub has blinded every other member of the group. Piggy, for instance, pins all blame on Jack. Piggy misses the point because Jack is only the minister for a greater evil. Jack is to blame only in the sense that he lives in all of us, that we are all guilty because mankind is sick. Still, Simon is the one exception to this general condemnation. Simon is the one spiritually sound person on the island. Simon is an epileptic and it is sickness that makes him a saint. Simon is not interested in leadership a nd prefers to keep to himself. Rather than involve himself in the promotion of the self, Simon concentrates on the nature of reality. He is one of the meek, of the poor in spirit, who are promised the kingdom of heaven, not theShow MoreRelatedWilliam Golding And Lord Of The Flies Analysis1031 Words   |  5 PagesWilliam Golding fulfills Hobbes’ ideas about man with Lord of the Flies in the moments when Jack and Ralph argue over whether to hunt for meat or build shelters, when Simon is killed by the boys, and when Samneric betray Ralph and join Jack’s tribe. An early example in the novel where Golding supports Hobbes’ ideas about man is when Jack and Ralph argue over whether to hunt for meat or build shelters. Hobbes discusses the competition between men with the same desires as he writes, â€Å"And thereforeRead MoreSymbolism Analysis Of Lord Of The Flies By William Golding2013 Words   |  9 PagesSymbolism Analysis of Lord of the Flies â€Å"Lord of the Flies† is a novel written by William Golding which shows the reader dark situations throughout the play of the book. In this novel, boys are completely isolated from civilization and rules. The theme portrays ‘civilization vs savagery’, questioning if civilization fade away without the positive views of rules. Lord of the Flies gives the reader an idea of how humanity’s form can shape throughout different life threatening situations. Golding makesRead MoreAnalysis Of William Golding s Lord Of The Flies 1814 Words   |  8 Pagespresented, Lord of the Flies written by William Golding, this change in people particularly through aggressive and violent behavior is ever-present throughout the text. The causes of aggression and or violent behavior in this case are a subject that is widely debated with different theories of causation supporting each side. Two of these sides presented can be seen in the articles †A Bully’s Future , From Hard Life to Hard Time† written by Jane Brody, and â€Å"To Study Aggression, a Fight Club for Flies† writtenRead MoreAnalysis Of William Golding s Lord Of The Flies 980 Words   |  4 PagesDeven Patel English 1, Period 4 22 September 2014 Society s defects stem from the defects inherent in human nature. William Golding wrote this after publishing Lord of the Flies. It is our world, in the form of a story. The two leaders in the story are Ralph and Jack. Ralph starts off a comfortable leader of the boys, but by the end of the book, Ralph and his companion Piggy are alone facing Jack and the rest of the boys. As the novel progresses and the society on the island starts to changeRead MoreAnalysis Of William Golding s Lord Of The Flies1006 Words   |  5 PagesEnglish 9 Block F 25 February 2016 The Power of Power A recurring theme among leaders in many societies today is that â€Å"absolute power corrupts absolutely† (John Acton, a 1700’s English Catholic historian, politician, and writer). In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, this idea of leadership, power, and corruption is put in the spotlight. Jack, one of the boys on the island, forces his way into the leadership position without actually earning it. It is clear that Jack has become corrupt as he turnsRead MoreAnalysis Of William Golding s Lord Of The Flies Essay2545 Words   |  11 Pagesforth civilization; it can be both a good or bad thing. In William Golding’s The Lord of the Flies, the entire island is power hungry and it is fueled by it. Leaving the boys alone on an island, without any grownups, left all the power and control in the boys’ hands, invading the island with anarchy. The boys are lead from hope to disaster as they attempt to survive in the isolated environment of the island. Gol ding’s The Lord of the Flies expresses how power influences people’s actions, as a majorRead MoreThe Powers of the Symbols in Lord of the Flies929 Words   |  4 PagesLord of the Flies is a novel that is all about symbols that have different powers which is used on the boys. Two of the symbols which are the conch and the sow’s head contain powers that are opposite of each other and they have a great affect on the boys. Lord of the Flies would be a different story without symbols. The conch has the powers that lead to civilization and order. It represents the authority that the boys will need to get rescued from the island. The sow’s head on the other hand representsRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1389 Words   |  6 PagesA response to Lord Of The Flies Imagine an airplane crash. The heat of flames scorch passengers’ backs in addition to the wind burning their faces. Lucky, this crash was over water and near an island so most passengers survive, with an exception of the airplane staff and the pilot. Even though alive, many are in fits of fear and panic, and others are in shock. After hurried deliberation, a lone member of the group is elected leader in hopes that they will calm the panic, and make the hard, but necessaryRead MoreSocietal Breakdown On The Island1720 Words   |  7 PagesSocietal breakdown on the island in ‘Lord of the Flies’ is due to the inherent evil of man 3.8: Develop an informed understanding of literature and/or language using critical texts. Hypothesis: Societal breakdown on the island is due to the inherent evil of man Jason Carvalho ‘Lord of the Flies’ is the name of William Golding’s historically famous novel, yet it is more than just a title. It is a kind of statement, a way of mocking the very existences of humanity. Reading this book I cameRead MoreLord of the Flies Nature of Man1726 Words   |  7 PagesLord of the Flies: The Nature of Man William Golding’s Lord of the Flies is a gritty allegory of adolescence, innocence, and the unspoken side of human nature. Countless social issues are portrayed, however one of the most reoccurring is the nature of man. Throughout the novel there is an ever-present focus on the loss of innocence amongst the boys, shown by the deterioration of social skills and their retrogression into a barbaric form of society. Also portrayed is the juxtaposition of a cruel

Friday, December 13, 2019

Niche Company/Urban Outfitters Free Essays

The purpose of this report is to investigate the challenges of setting up a business and the difference between the major forms of business; particularly, niche markets as compared to the larger mainstream markets. Define three (3) challenges when setting up a business. Explain why they are challenges. We will write a custom essay sample on Niche Company/Urban Outfitters or any similar topic only for you Order Now The three main challenges when setting up a business are: cash flow, product supply and demand, and human resources. Depending on the type of business, you will have the initial cost of beginning the business prior to any income derived from that business. What type of product are you selling and is there a consumer demand for the product. Finally, staffing the business is also a major concern. Depending on the type of business, there will often be an initial cash investment. Property will have to be acquired from which you will operate the business. The cost will depend on the location, where you product will be in demand, whether you are purchasing the property or renting; and the amount of square footage needed. The property needs to be decorated in order to display the product and there is also the expense of the inventory; labor is also involved with decorating and stocking the inventory. Are you able to do this yourself or will individuals need to be hired? Also, do you as the business proprietor have enough cash flow to sustain your living expenses during this time, when there is no or little income available? Urban Outfitters Continuing Case Study: Creating a business. 2 The business began with an idea or product and the question must be answered as to whether or not it is in demand. Consumers must want the product in order for the business to succeed; if the consumer does not want the product, the business will fail. Therefore, one must ask if the product ill be in demand in the area where the business will be located; for example, snow sleds would not be in demand on a tropical island. Beginning a business requires an enormous amount of time and help is often needed. Unless you limit your hours of operation, it would be impossible for a single proprietor to fulfill all the hours needed. At first, one may have family and/or friends willing to invest their time, bu t this will only last for so long. Hiring employees is a difficult task; one must make sure the person is well suited for the position. The individuals you hire will be representing your business. Define what a niche product is. Give at least three examples of niche products. A niche product is designed to appeal to individuals with specific interests, needs, and price range. A few examples of a niche product would include: plus size woman’s clothing, import automobile repair service, and ethnic foods. Explain why a niche product might have an advantage in a market. Would price necessarily be an advantage? Explain why or why not. Urban Outfitters Continuing Case Study: Creating a business. 3 Niche products or services are specialized and serve a smaller segment of the market. A niche market masters a product specifically, designed to serve only one type of individual in the market. The advantage is the niche company can focus on one group of consumers. Price may possibly be lower; marketing to a smaller group of individuals is often more efficient and cost effective. However, producing a lesser quantity with a high demand would have the potential of raising the price. For example, an imported car owner desires a mechanic specializing in imported car repair. There is not a high demand for this type of repair service; therefore, the price for this service would be higher. The higher price would not be concern for the imported car owner because his main concern is having his car repaired correctly. Identify and explain three reasons why customers would pay more for exclusivity. 1) An exclusive product gives the impression that it is special; therefore, individuals are willing to pay more for something that is unique or special. 2) An exclusive product could be considered hard to find or purchase because of availability making it more special. Individuals want what someone else may not be able to obtain. 3) Individuals are willing to pay more for an exclusive product in order to impress others. The person that is impressed would find value in that item. Urban Outfitters Continuing Case Study: Creating a business. 4 Explain how a niche player chips away at a larger competitor’s base. Give three examples of retailers who have done this. There are three areas in which a niche player can chip away at a larger competitor’s base: go after a different way of delivering a product; provide a premium product or service; and specialize in a one product line. Barnes and Noble Bookstores deliver their product in a specialized way. This bookstore offers a wide variety of books for the reader; it would be very rare for a customer to be unable to find a particular book. One can sit in a living room type atmosphere read their purchase while having a cup of cappuccino or espresso. Second Hand Books is a chain offering pre-owned books at a greatly reduced price. This is a very generic way of shopping for books since there is no reasoning to where the books are shelved and coffee is unavailable. Coach stores offer very expensive limited design handbags priced in the hundreds of dollars. A customer walking into the store is made to feel as if they are the only person there. Individual attention is there for the asking making each customer feel that her business is truly appreciated. Macy’s, a large department store, also offers Coach handbags; however, selection is limited since the store also offers other designer handbags. Starbuck’s provides gourmet coffee; their mission statement is to provide the best cup of espresso. They do not offer a food menu; their only product is the gourmet coffee. McDonald’s now offers cappuccino and other coffee drinks along with their burgers and other menu items. Although their coffee drinks are less expensive, it is well worth the price of a Starbucks to have a good cup of Java. Urban Outfitters Continuing Case Study: Creating a business. 5 Summary: Giant businesses consider niche marketing to be less profitable. However, for small scale businesses, which have just started off with their business ventures, it can be very profitable. By targeting a group of people with a specialized demand your income can soar. You are not competing with the larger mainstream provider. Therefore, you will obtain more profit with a lesser effort by limiting yourself to that specialized niche market. How to cite Niche Company/Urban Outfitters, Papers