Thursday, February 27, 2020

Marketing is a philosophy that puts the customer at the centre no Essay

Marketing is a philosophy that puts the customer at the centre no customer, no sales - Essay Example It highlights three important aspects that marketing accomplishes. First, it recognizes the purpose of business organizations to design products which satisfy customer requirements. Marketing does not just involve offering any goods and services but business organizations should strive to offer those which offer customer value. Second, it stresses the aim of business organizations to generate profit from its operations. Thus, the definition of CIM involves assessing the marketing strategy which will be mutually beneficial for customers and companies. Business organizations as this definition implies are profit maximizing entities. Lastly, this definition highlight that marketing is not just about providing the current needs by â€Å"anticipating† the future requirements of the markets. In summary, the CIM’s definition of marketing balances the satisfaction of customer and profit maximizing goal of business organizations. This definition creates an image for marketing as something which merely reflects the needs of customers and marketers are tasked merely to identify and respond to these various needs. It recognizes that marketers have a great part in shaping customer’s needs by offering innovative solutions to their problems. Nonetheless, it is still the customers that determine which among the various products they are bombarded with represent their real need through their demand backed by purchasing power. It is irrefutable that business organizations are now operating on what Kotler (2002) termed as a hypercompetitive environment. This arena is characterized by more intense rivalry between players and higher buyer leverage. Thus, it becomes a great challenge for companies to create and deliver product offerings which will satisfy the need of individuals as well as establish efficient strategies in order to capture

Monday, February 10, 2020

Four Intentional Torts Negilence and Liability Essay

Four Intentional Torts Negilence and Liability - Essay Example However, he did not know that her friend had developed diabetes and severe high blood pressure. After he obtained Juliet’s residential address from his friend, John bought a big tiger doll for her present. When he arrived at Juliet’s house, he placed the big doll at the doorstep. He rang the bell and hid behind the door. When Juliet opened the door, she was frightened to see the big tiger doll placed at the door step. To her, the doll appeared to be a real tiger. Consequently, she collapsed and fell on the floor. John was shocked and resorted to call for an ambulance and Juliet’s brother. Juliet’s brother was so mad with John for his action. After Juliet woke from the comma, she decided to sue John for causing heart attack, which had been confirmed by the doctor. This is negligence because although John caused harm to Juliet by placing the big tiger doll at her door step and hid behind the door, his intentions were not to harm her (Statsky, 2012). Besides, she was her friend and just wanted to surprise her. In fact, the doll was Juliet’s present. Nevertheless, after Juliet condition was stable, his brother confronted John and accused him of causing harm to his sister. However, John apologized, but Juliet’s brother continued to throw words to John. In the process, John was agitated. He rushed into his car that was parked outside Juliet’s house and drew a gun from the back seat. He came out with a gun freely held in his hand and threatened Juliet’s brother that he would shoot him if he did not keep quiet. Nevertheless, Juliet’s brother dared him to shoot and that he would face the consequences. John shouted loud† Keep quiet or I should you†. Instead, Juliet’ brother was adamant and told John that he could not intimidate him with a â€Å"toy gun†. At this time, John raised the gun and pointed it at Juliet’s brother. Juliet’s brother realised that John was serious and that he would really shoot him. He even started pleading with him not to shoot. Out of anger, John pulled the trigger and Juliet’s brother was shot at the hand. This constitutes to an assault because in the first incident, John threatened to shoot him. Secondly, Juliet’s brother got scared when John pointed the gun at him, and thirdly because actually John shot him (Statsky, 2012). Due to the gun shot, neighbors came to witness the commotion. At this time, Juliet came out of the house only to find her brother lying on the ground in pool of blood. John apologized to her saying that he did not intend to shot him. Without listening to him, hurriedly, Juliet asked a neighbor, Mr. Chris, who had come to see what was going on, to help her take her brother into the car so that she could take him to the hospital. After they put her brother in the back seat of the car, Juliet started the car and drove at a very high speed. Mr. Chris, who by then had just stood behind the c ar, was covered by a huge crowd of dust as a result of dust brown by the speeding car. Unfortunately, Chris was filled with dust in his eyes and as a consequence fell on the ground. He was in pain and shouted loudly for help. Nevertheless, the car had already left and Juliet did not hear anything not even from the other neighbors that saw Chris being brown by the dust. At this time, John was still standing in with his gun still held loose in his hand. He was dumbfounded. However, when he saw what had befallen Chris, he called for an